Friday, May 16, 2014

Views Of America! Headed home.

I was lucky enough to spend my winter in Southern California training and riding. That meant heading East again in the spring for Race Season, here's a few photos from the journey!
California was amazing, I can't thank the people that made it what it was enough. Especially Ella. Thank you!
This girl is pretty rad. Not Easy saying goodbye See you soon Ella!.
 We went to the ocean, Coast to Coast.

The day before I left my TR500 showed up! This baby rips!

I'm a mountain boy at heart.

the closer I got to Colorado the greener it got.
My Buddy Chris Dean lives in Carbondale and
was nice enough to host me and take me for a ride.
Carbondale is beautiful.

Getting to CO was incredibly, hard to keep your eyes on the road!

HANK! The named a town after you!

Carbondale. Ph: Deaner

The undergrowth here was so rad!

photos are fun, they let you see your technique and focus on improving

Deaner's A skiing friend of mine that got himself a mtn bike and is now ripping.
It was awesome to see his progress!

So fast the world couldn't keep up!


Leaving CO was pretty tough, 2 ft of snow on loveland pass over night!


St. Louis.

This cloud kept blowing up with lightening
Met up with the Frubee Brothers in Pennsylvania we had
 a blast riding some of my old collegiate tracks!
